Southern Highlands Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care


Patient feedback is appreciated as it assists us to make ongoing improvements to our services and facilities. If you have a complaint, suggestion or want to give a compliment, you can do so by:

  • Speaking to the person in charge of your ward. This will usually be the Nurse Unit Manager. S/he can address any issues you have when they occur. If you don’t want to speak to a person on your ward you can contact the Director of Clinical Services on (02) 4862 9400.
  • Use the Patient Satisfaction Survey provided in your room or from reception and leave it behind when discharged, or post or fax to the address below.
  • Write to the Chief Executive Officer of the Hospital at the address below.

    Southern Highlands Private Hospital & Cancer Centre
    93 - 95 Bowral Street,
    BOWRAL NSW 2576
    Phone: 61 2 4862 9400
    Fax: 61 2 4862 9401

Online Patient Satisfaction Survey

I understand that information I submit will be handled in accordance with the Ramsay Health Care Privacy Policy.